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Frequently Asked Questions
Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer's in Rockland

What are the advantages of registering online?

This portal will generate electronic receipts for those who donate online, and will tabulate the totals of your fundraising efforts for you.
When donors contribute online, you don’t have to run around to collect the cash or cheque by a certain date.
Suggested emails are ready for you to use to approach your family, friends and coworkers, no matter where they live.
Give it a try. Register yourself as a participant, or register an entire team. There are prizes for the top fundraisers.

Can I register on Walk day?

Yes, you can register in person on Walk day. When you register, you can also make a donation in support of the local Alzheimer Society using a credit card, cash or cheque. There are no registration fees.

What do I do with cash and cheque donations?

Bring your cash and cheque donations with you on Walk day, along with a completed pledge form to the Registration Area at the Rockland Manor. This will help make your registration experience speedier and ensure your supporters are sent their receipts.

If you’ve registered online and fundraised solely online, you can show up to the Walk paper-free! We still ask that you stop by registration to check-in so we know you or your team is represented.

Do you have any giveaways?


We sure do!
There will be prizes for the top two fundraising individuals and a prize for the team who collected the highest total of donations.

Long-Term Care Facilities and Retirement Residences

Teams from long-term care facilities and retirement residences have challenged one another to raise the most funds. The winner will be awarded a beautify fidget blanket crafted by students at Iona Academy.

Who should I bring with me? What should I bring?

Bring your family, friends, and co-workers…and comfortable walking shoes.

Be creative. If you’re walking as a team, you can coordinate creative outfits, bring balloons, posters, or anything that will put you into a fun, community mood. Take pictures and post to your social media.

Water will be provided on site to ensure participants stay hydrated.

Can I bring my dog?

Service animals are welcomed; however for allergy and safety reasons other animal companions are not permitted.

How long is the Walk for Alzheimer’s?

Everyone walks at their own pace. The Walk is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm and end at 2:30 pm. It is a representational walk and it is not mandatory to reach a certain distance or speed. The Walk takes place outside Rockland Manor. If the weather is unfavourable, the Walk will take place inside the venue.

What is the Wall of Memories?

We invite participants to bring a photo of the person for whom they are walking, to add to the oversized communal poster called the Wall of Memories, or to sign the Wall of Memories with messages of encouragement and love. The Wall of Memories makes a beautiful representation of community support!

My company would like to support the Walk for Alzheimer’s. How can we help?

There are a number of ways the Alzheimer Society works with companies and we invite groups to contact us about

  • Providing financial support/donations
  • Submitting a team of walkers (have them join the walk with their company shirt to show the community they care)
  • Donate a gift certificate, product or services to be used on the day of the event, or as a prize for the participants.

We are happy to provide recognition and encourage sponsor involvement as appropriate.

Have more questions?

Please contact Jos?e Roy-Pilon at 613 932-4914 (1-888-222-1445) or

Thank you for helping us spread the word and making this the best Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s yet.

Together we will make memories matter!
