IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s events are presented nationwide by the dedicated staff and volunteers of provincial and local Alzheimer Societies. Funds raised are used locally to deliver support and services in that community.
Your local Walk organizer is the best person to contact with any questions you may have, including those pertaining to:
- Date and time
- Location details
- Parking information
- If you can bring pets,
- Where to submit pledge forms and collected offline donations
- Tax receipts, etc.
Find a Walk in your area to get the contact information of your local Walk organizer, or contact the provincial office as listed below.
ALBERTA & NORTHWEST TERRITORIESwalk@alzheimer.ab.ca | 587-520-9581 BRITISH COLUMBIAevents@alzheimerbc.org | 604-742-4925 MANITOBAalzmb@alzheimer.mb.ca | 204-943-6622 NEW BRUNSWICKevents@alzheimernb.ca | 506-800-3149 or 1-800-664-8411 NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADORevents@alzheimernl.ca | 709-576-0608 NOVA SCOTIADenise.collier@asns.ca | 1-800-611-6345 ONTARIOPRINCE EDWARD ISLANDsociety@alzpei.ca | 902-628-2257 QUEBECSASKATCHEWANevents@alzheimer.sk.ca | 306-949-4141 |