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2019 WFA honouree Wendy Eyre-Gray

Wendy Eyre-Gray - Chilliwack Honouree

2019 IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's

Each period in Wendy Eyre-Gray’s life has been defined by the care she devoted herself to giving: as a proud young mother to four children who opened a specialized preschool for her son and other children facing hearing impairment; as a grandmother who attended university, studied theology and was ordained an Anglican priest; and as a great-grandmother who now prioritizes her own self-care and encourages other people facing dementia to do the same.

“I love working with and serving other people. I love making and supporting communities,” Wendy says. “When I look back, I think: where did I get the energy to do all that? Maybe that’s why I’m so tired.”

Wendy jokes about a connection between how hard she pushed herself and her development of dementia – but despite her playful attitude, she takes her diagnosis seriously and acknowledges the impact dementia has on her life. When someone tells her how great she looks or sounds, Wendy — who pushed to receive a CT scan and eventual diagnosis — will politely remind them that she’s facing challenges beyond the scope of normal aging. She finds relief and joy in speaking honestly about her experience.

“Especially with dementia, people don’t want us to be suffering and they don’t want to hear about it,” she says. “Listen to yourself at every level: mind, heart, soul and body. Honour that and speak to that.”

Another release from the discomfort of dementia? For Wendy, it comes back to building community. Wendy and her good man George, as she refers to him, were among the first people in the Fraser Valley to attend Minds in Motion®, the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s fitness and social program for people in the early stages of dementia and a care partner.

“I believe that we are given opportunities to make ourselves and our part of the world, small or large, a little bit better and more life-giving and fulfilling for one and all. Go for it!”


Walk with Wendy at the Chilliwack IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's on Sunday, May 5. Together, we make memories matter.

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