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IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's - Edmonton 2024

IG Edmonton Metro

Location: Laurier Park, 13221 Buena Vista Rd NW, Edmonton AB

Site: 1 & 7

Parking: City of Edmonton Zoo Parking Lot


Registration: 9:00 AM

Refreshments & Coffee: 9:00 AM

Ceremonies: 10:30 AM

Walk Time: 11:00 AM

BBQ Lunch provided: 12:30

We will proceed with the Walk rain or shine!

Thank you again for your generous commitment and support!

IG Edmonton Metro

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Team Badges

First Donation

Congrats on receiving your first donation!

$100 Raised

Way to go! Congrats on raising $100!

$500 Raised

Worth bragging about! Congrats on raising $500!

$1000 Raised

You're unstoppable! Congrats on raising $1000!

Goal Reached!

Fundraising superstar! Congrats on reaching your goal!

Team Progress

0% of goal raised

Team Roster
Honour Roll
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