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Thank you for supporting us in raising awareness and funds that will make a difference in the lives of people living with dementia (like my Mom Joan), their caregivers (like me) and their families.
We're participating in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s in London, on Saturday, May 25 to help raise money on behalf of the Alzheimer Society, so they can meet the growing demand for programs and services. These and other resources make all the difference in the way that people affected by dementia are able to manage the disease and live life to the fullest. Programs like "The Social" that my mother is a participant of every Monday afternoon. It's a wonderful social outing for her that includes games, music, exercise, crafts and friends to boot. It's given her something to look forward to every week. To be honest, it took me awhile to get her to agree to try it out. She was very reluctant and thought she wouldn't be a good participant (she has some mobility issues and uses a walker). Her first day was May 1, 2023 - I nervously dropped her off and for the next 3+ hours I prayed that she was having a good time. I anxiously picked her up and to my shock and delight, she was singing and dancing out the door. She was hooked! My heart was full and I was so relieved she embraced it! Did I mention that they offer this program absolutely free?! To me, the effect it's had on my mom, has been invaluable and I'll be forever grateful.
As a caregiver, I've been able to benefit from free workshops that have been incredibly informative and useful for everyday scenarios. But the most important thing I've learned from everything so far, is that I'm not alone. I've found support and friendships from other caregivers, and of course from the Alzheimer Society staff. The staff have been so helpful, kind and patient, as they help my mother and I navigate this new chapter in our lives.
So whatever donation you can make, no matter how big or small - we thank you. We know things are tough for everyone right now, so we'd be sincerely grateful for any support you can offer. You are making a difference in the lives of people affected by dementia - like Mom and I.
Thank you again for your generous support.
Joan & Dorinda
Dorinda Lewis
For more information on the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's or to register for a Walk nearest you, please visit www.walkforalzheimers.ca.
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