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Dear Friends and Family …
For the 10th year the the Alzheimers Society South West Partners Walk is HAPPENING! The walk is nationally sponsored by IG Wealth Management and will take place at Mother Teresa Secondary School on May 25, 10 - 12.
The walk will be a little different for me this year as I will be walking in Victoria, British Columbia. Maezi did the walk over the rainbow bridge earlier last month and Pearl, who doesn’t like to walk much, chose to have me make a donation from her little change purse.
Although we don’t use the Alzheimer’s Society for the programs anymore, (as Howard is too advanced) his home, McCormick, is partnered with them and they certainly got us off on the right foot. I attribute Howard’s longevity with AD to the early intervention and programs offered by the AlzSWP.
Howard no longer walks, even with support, but always rides in his wheelchair. Being in the chair, for a long time, has caused bedsores on more than one occasion. He is fed puréed food, and a Resource drink packed with nutrients because he’s getting very, very thin! Although he doesn’t participate in any of the recreational activities, he quietly watches and stillenjoys music occasionally, moving his arms or tapping, his feet. Smiles are pretty rare and fleeting … seldom caught on camera … but imprinted on hearts.
Please consider supporting the Alzheimer’s Walk with a donation to our team … ALZ PALZ … named in 2015 by Howard himself.
Thank you so much for your past and present support.
Susan … on behalf of Howie and the rest of the Isaacs’ family.
For more information on the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's or to register for a Walk nearest you, please visit
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$100 Raised
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$500 Raised
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$1000 Raised
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Goal Reached!
Fundraising superstar! Congrats on reaching your goal!
194% of goal raised