Every year, I walk.
Every year, I fight.
Every year, I do what I can to spread awareness.
Every year, I watch my mother suffer through this terrible disease.
And in 2020, I watched this disease take her away.
Join the team or make a donation, but know that no matter how little the donation, every tiny bit counts. Every little bit shows an endless amount of support for my mom, for our family, and for everyone else that is fighting this very same battle. Every year, I am thankful. I am thankful for family that has been so understanding, and so supportive. I am thankful for every minute I spend with my mom. I am thankful that the Alzheimer's Society is around to help us.
So make a donation. Join the team. Spread the word. But not just for my mom, or me. For you. For your friends. Your family. For everyone that gets touched by this terrible disease. Spread the word so that every year, awareness spreads just a little bit more, and maybe - just maybe - one day there will be something we can do about it.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
Samantha Hiscock
For more information on the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's or to register for a Walk nearest you, please visit
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