Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024

Registration: 9:00 - 10:00 am

Walk Begins: 10:00 am

Location: Central Huron Secondary School Clinton Ontario

The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's, the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth's largest awareness and fundraising event, calls on participants of all ages and abilities to take action, walk, honour, and help support people living with dementia. 

Kick start your fundraising and encourage your family and friends to join you in support of the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth, where all funds raised stay in Huron and Perth Counties to help people living with dementia and their care partners access programs and services.


This is a family friendly event! 

There is no walk length requirement, so you can walk what you are able to.

Light refreshments provided


 Download Pledge Form

On social media use the hashtag #igwalkforalz to share with others the impact you are making.

Spread the Word! Please reach out and connect with friends, family and neighbours. Every move you make and share can help a caregiver, person living with dementia, health care worker or support person. 

Walk Your Own Way

Individuals & Families

Not available at 10 am on May 25? We encourage you to participate by walking your way. You can walk on your own, with a group, or organize your own walk, and still sign up and fundraise online.

Care Homes & Workplaces

Looking for a project for your residents or employees to get behind? Choose a date and time for your own event and contact us to let us know how we can support you. Walk in a Box materials available to assist you.  

For more information about registration, event details, sponsorship, or a walk your way event, 

Contact: Erin Dale

Phone: 519-482-1482



Thank you sponsors for supporting the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's.  

Contact us to join the event as a sponsor.

IGWFA Huron Perth Sponsors 2024