Location: Wellington Park (Fairgrounds)

Address: 326 Wellington St E, Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L2
Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Registration opens at noon

By participating in this year’s IG Wealth Management Walk fr Alzheimer's, you are showing the 16,500 people living with dementia and those that care for them that they do not walk on their journey alone. 

Raise a minimum of $75.00 to get your free walker t-shirt!

Be one of the first 50 to raise $500 and get a free navy ASWW hoodie!


Registration will be set up in the picnic shelter between the Splash Pad and Bill Moody Playground. Don't forget your water bottle!

Questions? Email us at WalkASWW@alzheimerww.ca

Walk Route: 

Mount Forest Walk Route.png 

Thank you to our generous Sponsors!

ASWW 2024 WFA-sponsor block email bannertgbppll.png