* 1.
Question - Required -
1. Thinking back to your first donation to the Alzheimer Society, what motivated you to give to this cause? Check all that apply.
Question - Not Required -
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
* 3.
Question - Required -
2. If someone you know has been affected by dementia, what is their relation to you?
Prefer not to say
Question - Not Required -
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Question - Not Required -
3. We'd like to hear your story. If you're comfortable sharing, tell us what impact Alzheimer's disease or dementia has had on you personally.
* 6.
Question - Required -
4. Have you, or anyone you know, used any Alzheimer Society services?
5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much would you agree to each statement?
* 7.
Question - Required -
The Alzheimer Society is at the top of my charity giving list
1 Strongly Disagree 2 Somewhat Disagree 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 Somewhat Agree 5 Strongly Agree
* 8.
Question - Required -
I understand how my support is making a difference in people's lives
1 Strongly Disagree 2 Somewhat Disagree 3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 Somewhat Agree 5 Strongly Agree
6. Many of our supporters are interested in learning about other ways to give. Please indicate which, if any, of the following interest or apply to you:
* 9.
Question - Required -
Monthly giving - provide steady funding for research and support programs.
I'm interested in becoming a monthly donor
I already make monthly donations but am open to increasing my monthly gift
I'm not interested in becoming a monthly donor at this moment.
* 10.
Question - Required -
Gift in your Will - make a lasting impact on future generations.
I'm interested in including the Alzheimer Society in my Will
I have already included the Alzheimer Society in my Will
I'm not interested in making a donation to the Alzheimer Society in my will at this moment.
* 11.
Question - Required -
Significant gift - make a difference for people living with dementia.
I'm interested in making a donation of $5,000 or more
I'm not interested in making a major gift at this time
7. Tell us more about you.
* 12.
Question - Required -
Age bracket:
Under 40
Over 75
Prefer not to say
* 13.
Question - Required -
Relationship and family status. Check all that apply:
Question - Not Required -
8. Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Survey submitted by:
If you have questions regarding the survey, please contact Jeanelle Bertheau at
1-800-616-8816, ext. 2953 or by email at jbertheau@alzheimer.ca . Any information you provide will be kept completely confidential and will not be disclosed publicly without your consent.