Fundraising - Where do I start?
Here are some easy tips and tricks that can help you with your fundraising. You can download the following items and see what works for you. Good luck and thank you for fundraising for the estimated 85,000 British Columbians who are living with dementia and their families.
Collecting donations offline? Download the pledge form so you can bring your cash and cheque donations along on the day of the walk.
Our Five Top Tips
1. Ask, ask, ask!
Why don't some people give money? Because they’re never asked! Make a commitment to ask at least one person every day for a donation.
2. Invite past donors to renew their donation
Many donors give to the same charity year after year. Don’t be afraid to remind them that you’re walking again this year.
3. Keep the momentum
The earlier you start fundraising, the better. Always follow up with every person you’ve asked - and if they donated, don’t forget to thank them.
4. Make it real
If you’ve got a story, special memory or fantastic person you’re walking for, share it! It will motivate people to support your fundraising efforts.
5. Have fun!
Organize a bake sale or a garage sale; offer your services in exchange for a pledge; take on a challenge. Involve your workplace: challenge your co-workers by placing a fundraising thermometer and spare-change jar on your desk. Every penny counts!
Need Help?
For general inquiries, contact:
Ashley Fung
Development Coordinator, Events
Alzheimer Society of B.C.